
Apparently, a few days ago someone hacked into my website, putting stuff here that didn't belong. As far as I can tell, I've cleaned it up, but if I've missed something, let me know.

And it's been a while since I've posted anything. Well, in part, I've been busier than a bumblebee in a tar bucket, grading papers, getting ready for our site's Summer Institute and other such academic stuff. And, in part, I've had problems getting my blogging software to work right. I'm typing this directly onto the index page instead of using the software. So, once I fix it, I'll need to retype it.

Right now, I'm preparing and looking forward to going to Digital Media and Composition, a two-week institute run by Cynthia Selfe and Scott DeWitt at Ohio State University that will focus on multimodal composition. It should be a fun, learning experience.